A Wee Song

A Wee Song

Image credit: freeimages.com {user: delapiedra}

Potty training is the pits.

Pixie is perfectly potty trained at school. Seriously. She’s had one accident in three weeks. I don’t even bother sending the required seven panties anymore. She got the hang of it the first day I asked her teacher to let her go nappy-free.

At home, it’s another story.

“Mommy, I need to wee!” she declares, and off we go down the passage. She pulls her pants down while I put the kiddies’ seat on the toilet. I lift her onto the seat. She smiles. And promptly hops off. “Mommy, I’m done!”

“A little bit longer,” I suggest, and put her back on. “Let’s sing the Wee Song.”

Wee, wee, wee, making a wee,
Wee, wee, wee, making a wee,
Look at me, making a wee,
Wee, wee, wee, making a wee.

(I’ve got mad songwriting skillz, don’t you think?)

We go through the song two or three times before I concede defeat. She hops off the toilet and pulls her pants up.

Not two minutes later,I hear the cry, “Mommy, I’m wet!”

We’ve tried running water while she’s on the toilet. We’ve tried going to the toilet together. We even let her sit on the potty while she watches TV. We’ve promised a trip to Jimmy Jungles when her potty sticker chart is full.

I’m considering putting up her classmates’ photos in the bathroom so that she can go to the toilet with her friends. (I’m only half joking.)

That said, I’m not too stressed about it. She is only two.

But I can’t wait to say goodbye to nappies for good.

Did you have an easy time toilet training your child?


  1. We are also going through this and it is hard!!! The peeing I think he has mastered, or at least he can hold it for a long time until we go at designated times, but the pooping!! He is still pooping in his pants…

Talk to me. Seriously. You have no idea how badly I'm craving adult conversation.